Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Jamiroquai for your listening pleasure

My Man Dumuzi

Here are some pics of the Royal Consort, or as I call him "Sweetcheeks" or "Ripefigmouth." Sometimes I call him the "Serpent Handler." His tunic-snake pops out on THAT one. He is good at plowing the royal field, if you know what I mean. More updates Later. They will be H-O-T so stay posted!

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The seal shows Dumuzi being captured at his sheepfold in the Sumerian edin and bound by the serpent-like Ugalla demons who carry him off to the underworld as his bride, Inanna's replacement or surrogate. He is shown in scene one fully clothed with sceptre and crown, his hands and feet being bound with sticks, scene two: half-naked descending via Hell's gate, Scene three: fully naked in the underworld and finally, scene four: fully clothed, holding two fruit-bearing branches atop a walking serpent-dragon, showing his "return" to the earth's surface each spring as the life-force in the new plantlife or regrowth of the edin which surrounds the gods' city-gardens which man was created to toil in to feed the gods and free them of toil (for the photo cf. p. 71.Henrietta McCall. Mesopotamian Myths. [The Legendary Past series]. Austin, Texas. University of Texas Press. In co-operation with the Trustees of the British Museum, London. 1990, 1993).

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Lana, Priestess of Inanna, Painted this ancient Babylonian symbol of love many years ago. May it be Successful!

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As I step down into the Underworld

From the Great Above

She directed her desire towards the Great Below.

The Goddess from the Great Above.

She directed her desire towards the Great Below

My Mistress left the heaven, left the earth

To the underworld she steps down

Inanna left the heaven, left the earth.

To the underworld she steps down,

Left to be a ruler, left to be a mistress.

Who were the Sumerians?

SUMER is located in the Southern half of modern Irak. Its climate is hot and dry, its soil is windswept, it has no minerals and very little stone and timber - indeed, a land doomed to poverty. The Sumerians, nevertheless, were a gifted, energetic people, inventive and resourceful, who with the help of irrigation and a pragmatic way of life turned this deprived land in a Garden of Eden. It was in Sumer that the first great urban centres came into being, as well as the cuneiform system of writing, which was soon used all over ancient Near East. These great urban centres or temple estates were known as Eridu, Uruk, Larsa, Lagash, Nippur and Kish. Power alternated between them and community life was organised around the temple. Recorded evidence shows that by 5,000 BCE Eridu, city of Enki, the God of Wisdom, held the power, which by 4,000 BCE shifted to Uruk, Inanna's city. There were close contacts among the temple estates, and a coherent culture. Sumerian civilisation deeply influenced the peoples of the Euphrates region, North Mesopotamia and parts of Iran. Sadly, centuries of competition resulted in bitter warfare and attempts of one city to impose hegemony over another or the even the whole region Sumerian language may have been long established in the region, but has no known relatives. Written documents gradually became more easily understood and informative throughout this period. Sumerian tales, legends and songs are part of a vast literature. Evidence shows that indeed recorded history began at Sumer.

What is Mesopotamian Mythology?

Mesopotamian mythology is the collective name given to Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian mythologies from the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq.

The Sumerians practiced a polytheistic religion, with anthropomorphic gods or goddesses representing forces or presences in the world, in much the same way as later Greek mythology. According to said mythology, the gods originally created humans as servants for themselves but freed them when they became too much to handle.

Many stories in Sumerian religion appear similar to stories in other Middle-Eastern religions. For example, the Biblical account of the creation of man as well as Noah's flood resemble the Sumerian tales very closely, though the Sumerian myths were written many centuries earlier than the Tanakh (Old Testament). Gods and Goddesses from Sumer have distinctly similar representations in the religions of the Akkadians, Caananites, and others. A number of stories and deities have Greek parallels as well; for example, it has been argued by some that Inanna's descent into the underworld strikingly recalls (and predates) the story of Persephone.

The posting of this information was assisted by Wikipedia.

I am Inanna, hear me roar

Hey everyone! I posted some new pics!!

This is me when I put on a few pounds after I had the baby.

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This is me when I was in high school. I hung out with a couple owls then. We used to watch tv in my parents basement,partied--the usual stuff

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Here is a picture of an orange tree that is abundantly bursting with fruit. No need to thank me.

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Here is a box with my symbol on it. Don't open the box!!!!

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This is a picture of the boys' hearts in Tahoe. Made of ICE.

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Two Red Flowers in a Campus located in Carpinteria.

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Look closely and you will see a bee (the bee is helping to pollinate or as I like to call it "making love" with the flower

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Some call me Ishtar


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I am known as Inanna, the goddess of Love. From the folds of the curtains of history, the sands of time, and ancient Mesopotamia I have emerged. My powers have not weakened with time, in fact they have strengthened. All who visit this shrine will be showered with gifts and calls from lovers and their dance card will be full. Please, leave a post if you have any questions regarding love or lack thereof. Here is the entrance to another one of my shrines.